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Sardinian literature : ウィキペディア英語版
Sardinian literature
The literature of Sardinia is the literary production of Sardinian authors, as well as the literary production generally referring to Sardinia as argument, written in various languages.
== The beginnings ==

Being the existence and understanding of direct statements of the proto-Sardinian (pre-punic and pre-Latin) language or languages〔Sanna Gigi, Sardoa Grammata, S'Alvure ed., Oristano, 2004; Sanna Gigi, La stele di Nora, P.T.M. Editrice, Mogoro, 2009〕〔Alberto Areddu, Le origini albanesi della civiltà in Sardegna, Graficaelettronica, 2007〕〔Massimo pittau, Origine e parentela dei Sardi e degli Etruschi, Carlo Delfini Editore, Sassari, 1995; La lingua Sardiana o dei Protosardi, Ettore Gasparini Editore, Cagliari, 2001〕 hotly debated, the first written artifact from the island dates back to the Phoenicianc period with documents such as the Nora Stele or the trilingual inscription (Punic-Latin-Greek) from San Nicolò Gerrei.〔Theodor Mommsen, CIL, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, Inscriptiones Sardiniae, G. Reimerum, Berlin, 1883, 7th paragraph, pag.816; Greek text: ''᾽Ασκληπίῳ Μήρρη ὰνάθημα βῶμον ἔστμσε Κλέων ό ὲπἰ τῶν άλῶν καιὰ πρόσταγμα'' – Latin text: ''Cleon salariorum sociorum servus Aescolapio Merre donum dedit lubens merito merente''〕 This last artifact simbolizes the passage of the island from a punic cultural and linguistic influence to the Roman one. Punics took control of Sardinia around the year 500 BC, and lost it in 238 BC after the First Punic War. After that the new Roman province of Sardinia et Corsica experimented an almost exclusive use of written and spoken Latin, for more than eight centuries, as a result of the linguistic Romanization of the entire island. After being briefly occupied by the Vandals in 456 approximately, it was taken again by the Romans in 534 A.D., more precisely the Romans from the East, the byzantins, which gradually introduced the medieval Greek in all levels of society; common people continued to speak a Latin dialect which evolved, after some centuries in the romance Sardinian medioeval language. In this period Latin still remained the language of the religious culture as Sardinian Church was strictly related to Rome, while Greek was the language of the political power, that of the very far but powerful Emperor of Costantinople. The new millennium brought a conquest attempt by Muslims, which failed due to the fleets of Pisa and Genua, but, in the same time it brought a new rapprochement to western Europe, as Byzantines were no more able to defend the farthest part of their “οικουμένη”ecumene.

Multilingualism,〔Giuseppe Marci, In presenza di tutte le lingue del mondo, Letteratura Sarda, CUEC/CFS, Cagliari, 2005〕 as we shall see, will always be a constant in the literary history of the island: Punic, Greek, Latin, Byzantine Greek, medieval Latin, Sardinian and vernacular Tuscan,〔Monumenta Historiae Patriae, Tomus XVII, Codex Diplomaticus Ecclesiensis, (''13th centurt, Editor's note''), edited by Carlo Baaudi di Vesme, Torino, Tipografia Regia, 1876.〕Catalan, Spanish, Sardo-Corsican,〔Raccolta di canzoni in dialetto tempiese di Don Gavino Pes (''1724-1795, Editor's note''), Sassari, Tipografia Azuni, 1877〕 Italian,〔Pietro Delitala, Rime diverse, Cagliari, 1595; Carlo Buragna(''1634-1679, Editor's note''), ''Canzoniere'' edited by Carlo Susanna, C. Castaldo, 1783, Napoli〕 and even French 〔Vincenzo Bacallar y SannaDescription géographique, historique et politique du royaume de Sardaigne, Paris, 1714; Memoires pour servir a l’histoire d’Espagne, sous le regne de Philippe V, Amsterdam, Z. Chatelain, 1756. Domenico Alberto Azuni, Système universel des principes du droit maritime de l’Europe, ou Tableau methodique et raisonné, Paris, J. C. Poncelin, 1801-1802; Droit maritime de l’Europe par M. D. A. Azuni, Paris, Charles, 1805; Histoire géographique, politique et naturelle de Sardaigne, Paris, Levrault frères, 1802; Notice sur les voyages maritimes de Pytheas de Marseille par M. D. Azuni, Marseille, Imprimerie de la Société Typographique, 1803-1804.〕 were the languages which Sardinian authors used for two millennia. Of particular importance for the history and anthropology of Sardinia in Roman times, is the text of the table of Esterzili: "The find is of exceptional importance for the inscription of 27 lines with capital letters: it shows the decree by the Proconsul of Sardinia L. Elvio Agrippa March 18 69 A.D. - during the reign of the Emperor Otho - to settle a border between the populations of Patulcenses Campani and Galillenses that have repeatedly violated the limits. The proconsul in particular ordered that the Galillenses had to leave the lands occupied by force and warned them off keeping to rebel. The text ends with the names of the members of the acting council and with the seven witnesses signatures. The scientific value of the finding is having sent along with the names of two of the populations living in Roman Sardinia, a summary of the long dispute occurred between the end of the Republic and early Imperial Age (since the end of the second century. BC to the first century AD).〔Theodor Mommsen, CIL, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, Inscriptiones Sardiniae, G. Reimerum, Berlin, 1883, 7th paragraph, pag.812〕〔La tavola di Esterzili, Il conflitto tra pastori e contadini nella Barbaria sarda, Attilio Mastino (a cura di), Edizioni Gallizzi, Sassari, 1993; Text: IMP. OTHONE CAESARE AVG COS XV K APRILES DESCRlPIVM ET RECOGNTIVM EX CODICE ANSATO L HELVI AGRIPPAE PROCONS QVFM PROPVLIT GN EGNATIVS FVSCVS SCRIBA QVAESTORIVS IN QVO SCRIPTVM FVIT IT QVOD INFRA SCRIPTVM EST TABVLA V) VIII ET VIIII ET X III IDVS MART L HELVIVS ACRIPPA PROCOS CAVSSA COGNITA PRONVNTIAVIT S CVM PRO VTILITATE PVBLICA REBVS IVDlCATIS STARE CONVENIAT ET DE CAVSSA PATVLCENSI VM M IVVENTIVS RIXA VIR ORNATISSIMVS PROCVRATOR AVG SAEPIVS PRONVNTAVERIT FI NES PATVLCENSIVM ITA SERVANDOS ESSE VT IN TABVLA AHENEA A M METELLO ORDINATI ESSENT VLTIMOQVE PRONVNTIAVERIT GALILLENSES FREQVENTER RETRACTANTES CONTROVER SIAI NEC PARENTES DECRETO SVO SE CASTIGARE VOLVISSE SED RESPECTV CLEMENTIAE OPTVMIIO MAXIMIQVE PRINCIPIS CONTENTVM ESSE EDIERo ADMONERE VT QVIESCERENT ET REBVS IVDICATIS STARENT ET INTRA K OCTOBR PRlMAS DE PRAEDIS PATVLCENSIVM DECEDERENT VACVAM QVE POSSESSIONEM TRADERENT QVODSI IN CONTVMACIA PERSEVERASSENT SE IN AD VEAM AUCTOTERS SEDITIONIS SEVERE ANIMA ADVERSVRVM ET POSTEA CAECILIVS SIMPLEX VIR CLARISSI MVS EX EADEM CAVSSA ADITVS A GALILLENSIBVS DICENTIBVS TABVLAM SE AD EAM REM IS PERTINENTEM EX TABVLARIO PRINCIPIS ADLATVROS PRONVNTIAVERIT HVMANVM ESSE DILATIONEM PROBATIONI DARI ET IN K DECEMBRES TRIVM MENSVM SPATIVM DEDERIT IN TRA QVAM DIEM NISI FORMA ALLATA ESSET SE EAM QVAE IN PROVINCIA ESSET SECVTVRVM EGO QVOQVE ADITVS A GALILLENSIBVS EXCVSANTIBVS QVOD NONDVM FORMA ALLATA ESSET IN K FEBRVARIAS QVAE P F SPATIVM DEDERIM ET MORAMLLIS POSSESSORIBVS INTELLEGAM ESSE IVCVN 20 DAM GALILENSES EX FINIBVS PATVLCENSIVM CAMPANORVM QVOS PER VIM OCCVPAVERANT INTRA K APRILES PRlMAS DECEDANT QVOD SI HVIC PRONVNTIATIONI NON OPTEMPERAVERINT SCIANT SE LONGAE CONTVMAClAE ET IAM SAEPE DENVNTIÀTA ANIMADVERSIONI OBNOXIOS FVTVROS IN CONSILIO FVERVNT M IVLIVS ROMVLVS LEG PRO PR T ATILIVS SABINVS Q PRO PR M STERTINIVS RVFVS F SEX AELIVS MODESTVS P LVCRETIVS CLEMENS M DOMITIVS 2S VITALIS M LVSIVS FIDVS M STERTINIVS RVFVS SIGNATORES CN POMPEI FEROCIS LAVRELI GALLI M BLOSSI NEPOTIS C CORDI FELICIS L VIGELLI CRISPINI C VALERI FAVSTI M LVTA TI SABINI L COCCEI GENIALIS L PLOTI VERI D VETVRI FELICIS L VALERI PEPLI〕
The earliest record of an artistic literary production in Sardinia can be found in Latin and Greek carmina, carved in the limestone of the tomb-shrine of Atilia Pomptilla, in the necropolis of Tuvixeddu of Cagliari. The most tender ode is written in Greek:
''From your ashes, Pomptilla, violets and lilies flourish and may you bloom again in the petals of the rose, of the fragrant crocus, of the eternal amaranth, and of the beautiful flowers of the white panzy, like the narcissus and the sad amaranth, also the time that will, always will have your flower. In fact, when already the spirit of Philip was about to melt from his limbs, and he had his soul on his lips, Pomptilla, leaning on his pale groom, Pontilla the life of him with hers exchanged. And the Gods broke a union so happy, for the sake of her sweet husband died Pontilla; now Philip is living against his will, always longing to be able to confuse soon his soul with that of the bride who loved him so much''〔Theodor Mommsen, CIL, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, Inscriptiones Sardiniae, G. Reimerum, Berlin, 1883, 4th paragraph, pag.789. - Greek text: Εἰς ἲα σου, Πώμπτιλλα, καὶ ἐς κρίνα βλαστήσειεν ὀστέα, καὶ ϑάλλοις ἐν πετάλοισι ρόδων ἡδυπνόου τε κρόκου καὶ ἀγηράτου ἀμαράντου κεἰς καλὰ βλαστήσαις ἄνϑεα λευκοίπυ, ὡς ἴσα ναρκίσσῳ τε πολυκλύτῳ ϑ᾽ ὑακίνϑῳ καὶ σὸν ἐν ὀψιγόνις ἄνϑος ἔχοι τι χρόνος. Ἤδε γάρ, ἡνίκα πνευμα μελῶν ἀπέλυε Φίλιππος, Χήρην ἀκροτάτοις ϰείλεσι προσπελάσας, στᾶσα λιποψυϰοῦντος ὑπὲρ γαμέτου Πώμπτιλλα τὴν κείνου ζωὴν ἀντέλαβεν ϑανάτου. Οἵην συζυγίην ἔτεμεν θεός, ὤστε θανεῖν μὲν Πώμπτιλλαν, γλυχεροῦ λύτρον ὑπὲρ γαμέτου· ζῆν δ᾽ ἄκοντα Φίλιππον, ἐπευχόμενον διὰ παντὸς, σουχεράσαι ψυχῇ πνεῦμα φιλανδροτάτῃ.〕
The carmina in the Grotta della Vipera enshrine the beginning of the literary history of the island. From the late Roman period we have received the highly polemical writings of St. Lucifer from Cagliari,〔Epistole ad Eusebio, De regibus apostaticis, Pro S. Athanasio, De non parcendo in Deum delinquentibus, Moriendum esse pro filio Dei, Opere, a cura di G. di Tilet, vescovo di Meaux, 1568, Opere, in Maxima biblioteca patrum, vol. IV, Lione, 1687, Opere, a cura di S. Coleti, Venezia, 1778〕 a staunch defender of Catholic orthodoxy against the Arian heresy. Other writings on theology have come to us from the Bishop Eusebius of Vercelli, born in Cagliari,〔Epistole Antiquorum patrum sermones et epistolae de Sancto Eusebio vercellensi et martire ex codice manuscripto veteri tabularii ecclesiae vercellensis periscorum item patium et aliorum authorum testimonia de eodem. Vita praeterea eiusdem..., Mediolani, 1581〕 and a contemporary of Lucifer.

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